
Suffering is not good for the soul.


Healing, joy, and growth are good for the soul.

I have based over forty years of doing psychotherapy with adults on beliefs such as these.

My work in psychotherapy is initially focused on the alleviation of suffering—reducing and eliminating the symptom(s) which prompt you to seek treatment in the first place. The formation and maintenance of psychological suffering requires energy. Good, healthy energy. Prior to the moment you enter treatment this healthy energy is expressing itself through the only outlets it has, and creating suffering, because more life-enhancing channels are currently closed to it. How did this happen? Why is this going on? These are exactly the questions we together seek to answer; this is the work of psychotherapy.

During the course of treatment, that energy, up until now invested in the symptom, is freed. As this happens, it becomes available for more life supportive activities and projects. What those activities consist of depends entirely on you. Planting tulip bulbs in the earth around the tree in front of your apartment building? Pursuing the answers to a series of questions in a career of laboratory research? The possibilities are limitless, and unique to each person. Whatever the pursuit, the new outlets are activities of joy and passion.

This is what I do. I help people free energy currently invested in misery, then move it into outlets of growth, self-discovery, and joy.